Friday, May 2, 2008

Things to Love in London

I've said before that London is one of my favorite cities. The city is full of class and "regal-ness" and it's hard not to get caught up in it all.

It was a busy week, but a worthwhile one. When you've worked in America long enough, it's hard to imagine that anywhere else in the world works differently. What is common among most other cultures - as opposed to America -- is the mindset. In America, we live to work. In most other countries, work is for money, and life is for living. It's an interesting concept to embrace.

I'm packed and ready to leave London but before I do, some thoughts on things to love in London:
  • The coffee -- it's brewed fresh by the cup and it's strong.
  • The taxi cabs -- they are big, they are clean and the cab drivers are uncommonly friendly.
  • The communication -- London will always remind you to look both ways before crossing the street.
  • The bathrooms -- inviting. Public bathrooms in London are unusually clean and always have nice soaps and lotions (as opposed to the pink-turned-brown soap usually found in public bathrooms throughout America).
  • The shopping -- it's unique and fashionable, and you rarely find two of the same items.
  • The architecture -- everything here is regal. Whether it's old or new, the buildings are fascinating.
  • The history -- the people of London take their culture and history very seriously. It's a pleasure to be among people who walk with pride and dignity.

So long London! Cheerio and good day!
(pictures below)

Diana, Princess of Wales, Memorial:

Buckingham Palace:

The Original Burberry Store:

Guard at the Tower of London:

Tower Bridge:

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