Friday, May 16, 2008

The Constant: Change

My father always says, "The only thing constant in life is change."
But change ain't easy.

New jobs, new managers, new doctors, new diagnosis', new weight gain, new weight loss, new outlooks on life - all things that ignite change. How you adapt to that change is what makes the difference. That's one of the reasons I find travel to be sacred - you learn to embrace new cultures and new ideologies, and by adapting to another person's way of life you soon discover ways you can change in your own life.

While enjoying my lychee martini last night at MKT in Boston, I had a realization: everyone in this bar is escaping from something that happened today. Doesn't that make us all connected? Do we fear the change before it even happens and if so, do we try to mask that change with martinis?

A new website called offers tips, guides and mantras for helping get through the big change -- whatever it may be. The site is in beta, but it's worth a visit to see what words of wisdom and inspiration you can gather. Ariane de Bonvoisin is the host of the site and a certified life coach.

She says, "Change has been an integral part of my life, and while things have not always been easy, there are ways of making change a bit simpler..."

The featured tip for today: Always wear clean underwear.
(This is not just a good rule of thumb to live by, but if you actually click on the tip - hosted by - you will land on a blog post about donating to charity, which is a great way to help change the lives of others.)

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