Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sitting at My Sister's

It's Sunday morning in St. Louis. My allergies are on high alert - eyes itching, headaches, itchy throat. The St. Louis Syndrome has begun.

I stay with my sister when I visit. Actually, it's my sister, her two dogs and the cat. I hardly slept last night, but I slept a little. When I had the bed. The bigger dog, Sasha, slept at my feet and the cat found a comfy spot on my head.

The Starbucks doesn't even open here for another hour. It's 7:53 a.m. in St. Louis. Day 1 starts now.


Me said...

What do you mean "Starbucks doesn't open for another hour?"

It doesn't open till 9am???? WTF?

Frogger said...

It was 11:30am before I made it to Starbucks today. It was a very long morning