Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Joys of Jetlag

Your head is fuzzy.
Your eyes are blurry.
The body moves a few beats slower than your brain.

I wonder if I'm slurring my words?

Some say the amount of days you travelled is the same amount of days it will take your body to recover from the jetlag. With that logic, I should be back to normal on Friday. I'm trying to push myself but I'm so.....damn.....tired.

Things I should be doing:

  • Going to the gym
  • Doing laundry
  • Cleaning the apartment
  • Buying Mother's Day cards
  • Writing articles for work
Things I want to do:

I have my coffee, tea, chocolate -- that's a good combo of caffeine and sugar to give me a boost on a normal day. On jetlag days, that combo doesn't do anything but add calories to my diet.

I have a plan: Go home and nap. Wake up, take a Tylenol PM, go back to bed until morning. Should have body/mind back to normal tomorrow morning. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Gotta love Tylenol PM. It's the pause that refreshes. You just can't get too used that jagged little pill.