Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Best Wishes, Sen. Kennedy

The news of Sen. Edward Kennedy's malignant brain tumor is sad and shocking. Republicans and Democrats alike have bonded over their brother in the senate, sending well wishes to the family and friends who surround the senator at Mass General Hospital. For me personally, the news of his health is devastating.

I was raised in a household that revered the Kennedy's. In fact, my passion for politics stems back to my childhood when my mom would tell me stories of Jack and Bobby. They inspired her, and thus, the Kennedys inspired me.

When I started my journalism career on Capitol Hill, my beat was the Massachusetts Senate and Kennedy was one of my targets. I covered his moves in the Senate; bills he protested and those he approved and even got a few interviews with the Senator on the lawn outside his office while he engaged in a game of catch with his dog, Splash. But my best day was one day in April 2002, when Sen. Kennedy invited me and a few other reporters to "hang" with him in his office. There I sat, in his office, surrounded by pictures he painted and subtle memorials of his brothers, and I was taken by the inspiration that has empowered Americans for more than 60 years. He was a gracious host that day -- talked to us about our career ambitions, working in Washington, I'll never forget when he said, "When my brothers were in office..." it was a moment my heart skipped a beat.

I admit I'm a Kennedy devotee but what I remember most about my time in Washington was how cordial and kind Sen. Kennedy was to everyone he encountered. That time was a pivotal time in my career, and I have Sen. Kennedy to thank in part for that.

Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.