Monday, April 7, 2008

Nantucket vs. New Car

There's nothing like a good road trip to cleanse the soul. Well, for some. I can't stand being a car for more than three hours, but I've spent plenty of time in my friend Kate's Jetta and if I do say so, the Jetta has been good to us. Ski weekends, beach weekends, shopping weekends... I've known Kate for 10 years and the Jetta has played a large part in some of our favorite road trips. I'm sorry to say, the Jetta is not doing well.

I'm trying to lure Kate into a going to Nantucket this weekend. Off season, beers and burgers - come on! It's for work so I can expense it and truth be told, I wouldn't mind a friend to sit with on the 8-seater. She might join me, if she doesn't go new car shopping. It seems the Jetta has stopped singing tunes. And that's no good.

So now the debate begins: Nantucket vs. new car
I made a pros/cons list.

Pros for Nantucket:
1. It's off season so we totally have run of the island
2. The object of article is to scope out the off-the-beaten path finds
3. It's all expensed
4. I have a new camera and it has video capabilities, which can get really fun after a couple beers.

Cons for Nantucket:
1. It might rain this weekend

Pros for New Car Shopping:
1. The smell of new car leather
2. The overwhelming feeling of buying something brand new
3. Picking out the car color combos.
4. Test driving cars you can't afford

Cons for New Car Shopping:
1. You're not in Nantucket

It's a toss up people.

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