Saturday, April 5, 2008

Airlines Up Their Fees For Bags, Pets and Kids

Fido and little Johnnie are now of the same caliber as your luggage, according to major U.S. airlines.

In the past week, Continental Airlines, Delta Airlines, United Airline and Northwest Airlines announced they are all raising fees for some passengers flying domestic flights. The fees are mainly for bags, but in some cases pets and unaccompanied minors are getting rate hikes, too. That got me thinking: are people going to stop traveling due to additional fees, or have we come to expect this type of behavior from airlines?

So what does this mean? It means gas prices are high (obviously) and we're headed for a recession (obviously), but I'm of the belief that if you can travel you're helping fuel the economy. Are you holding back your travel plans due to the pending recession? Are the recent airline fees making you think twice about traveling? I figure, as long as my bag and I arrive safely to our chosen destination I'll continue to fly.

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