Monday, December 22, 2008

Holidays at Home: Loneliness or Necessary?

Is it a bad sign that this holiday season, I just want to curl up on my sofa in front of the TV, open a good bottle of wine and watch old movies? thinks something is wrong with this...

They've labeled my 'hibernation period' as loneliness. I call it necessary.
I love my family. They are the most important thing in life. My friends in Boston have extended invitations to spend the holidays with their families. But for a solid 24-hours, I think there is nothing more peaceful than time alone.

I love walking around the neighborhood on an empty morning when no one is around. The streets are calm and clean, and it's quiet. It's meditative and reflective. It's what I'm doing this Christmas.


Anonymous said...

Some of us envy the life you have... Absurd as that might seem to the norm.

Jane said...

It sounds like bliss to me -- but then, I'll be frantically wrapping gifts and cooking dinner for a fractious family. One of these years I'm going to take this week off and go to the Caribbean. Or maybe Naples.

Dan said...

I think it's perfectly fine. Call it your yuletide of introspection. Or something like that.

Cheers and stay warm.