Sunday, December 7, 2008

The First Snowfall

Pure, white and clean. The first snowfall of the season is always majestic in its own way.
The unique flakes blanket the rough roads, which have seen months of wear, tear and war. The streets get to start over with the first snowfall.

Winter is my favorite season in Boston. The Christmas spirit is spread through the streets and holiday cheer hangs from the trees in the form of shiny lights and tinsel. I sit in my apartment with a giant cup of coffee and watch as the flakes slowly and gently fall to the ground - a peaceful reminder that winter is here.

"Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories."
~From the movie An Affair to Remember

1 comment:

Dan said...

Summer is the best season in Boston.


I'll take 90 degrees over 20 degrees any day.

But that's me.