Sunday, July 13, 2008

Oy, With the Airlines!

After a relaxing weekend in upstate New York, my sister and I enjoyed a liesurely drive back into the city. We stopped at a few outlet shops, drove into the city and with time to spare we took a detour to pick up some bagels and nosh at Kupel's for her flight home. When I purchased the little darling's airline ticket, I had to throw all fear of cost out the window -- my sister doesn't do flying, so it's all about ease, comfort and direct-flights for her. The total cost was approximately $250 more than if she had booked a connecting flight, but hey - we all have our fears. AS LUCK WOULD HAVE IT, the airlines screwed with us today.

Turns out the airline cancelled her direct flight home today. Even though I paid MORE for her to fly direct, they rebooked her on a connecting flight. Under most circumstances, this would be fine. But if you have a fear of flying, taking TWO planes ... well, you might as well be flying into hell.

Oy, with the airlines --WHY? WHY must it be so complicated? It was such a lovely, relaxing weekend. Now, my darling little sis is getting sloshed in an airport bar in hopes of forgetting that she has to connect to another plane in just a few hours.

(If I knew this would happen, I would have saved $250 and booked the connecting flight and just handed her a $20 for a few cocktails at the airport bar.)

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