Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How Far Would You Travel For Love?

The winners of the travel story contest were announced today. I loved the story about the woman who traveled to New Zealand to meet a man who turned out a bit odd... Granted, I wouldn't have traveled halfway around the world for a date without at least knowing the man had all his toes.

Teaser: "At dinner one night I just happened to notice his bare feet and that they looked odd. He spoke up and told me his little toes were missing. I asked what happened thinking it was an accident. No, he replied, no accident, he had them removed because they were in his way!!" Read the entire vacation from hell story.

I also give kudos to the judges who chose the Africa vacation as a winner. The girl and her boyfriend spent time at a local orphanage helping kids whose parents died of HIV/AIDS. Inspiring!

Where to next?

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