Thursday, November 6, 2008

What's the Hurry?

Today started like any other day...
Shower, dress, pack up the work bag, lock the door on the way out, hit the pavement by 7:30 a.m. And like every other day, I walked the same route to work at my typical pace - not too fast, but not slow because that's just annoying. I'm a city girl. I get where I need to be on time.

The coach tells me the best time to be thankful is first thing in the morning. Your mind is fresh, you're seeing everything for the first time that day, and because the stressors of work and world haven't gotten to you yet, you can appreciate the little things. I've taken appreciating little things on my way to work... cleaner streets, the first produce man at Haymarket on a Friday morning, the glare of the steel buildings in the financial district when the sun rises over their peak, the coffee that James has ready for me at Starbucks on Washington St. I knew I had a typical b.s. day ahead of me with a few people in the London office, but I was enjoying my 7.5 minute walk to work...

Until some CRAZY LADY PUSHED ME ON THE SIDEWALK. Apparently, the sidewalk wasn't big enough for the both of us, or the completely empty street next to the sidewalk wasn't sufficient enough for her, so instead she put her hands on my arm and pushed me aside so she can walk past me. I stopped in awe, muttered a few things to myself, and then watched as the crazy sidewalk lady made her way down the street, pushing aside the two men with produce carts making early morning deliveries. They were as displeased as I was, only they shouted louder.

Thankfully, the rest of the walk was better and as usual, James at Starbucks greeted me with a smile a venti Pike Place coffee. The world seems less crazy now.


Me said...

Yeah.. The rain brings out the nasty in people.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear...I bet it didn’t help that it was raining out.
Hear is another morning mishap story for ya...
It’s about 8:20 and I hop off the Copley T stop. My mood is pretty good; the rain gave me an excuse to test out my new coach rain boots so I wasn’t entirely bitter about the weather. Then, as I am carefully exiting DD, coffee in one hand, umbrella in the other, I accidently bump into a man who is trying to make his way into DD.
Our umbrellas become entangled; I start to apologize with a smile, but rather than accept my "I'm so sorry", (while flashing my best smile) this "very important" man in a Burberry raincoat decided to scold me about proper umbrella etiquette.
Thus ruining my good mood..And making me feel like a second grader that just got called down to the principal’s office :(
So seriously what IS the Hurry?

Frogger said...

Umbrella etiquette??? What were his helpful hints? And p.s. pal, the Burberry raincoat has been treated for rain.

"If you don't accept my apology I'll shove my umbrella up your ass."