Monday, November 10, 2008

One Hour.

Starting this week, a new pact: For the rest of the month, I will devote one hour a day to me. My friend over at Legally Brunette has joined the cause for rejuvenation. After spending too much time wondering where the time goes, it's time to get time back - if only for one hour.

The problem is my day is frantic enough:
Up at 6am, at work by 7am, on the phone with London by 9am, work, work, work, work, work. Leave work between 5-6pm (depending on day's events). Home. Log on to computer. Cook quick dinner. Handle whatever family crisis has come my way. Work. Return any last-minute emails. Pass out on sofa. Move to bed. Start over.

The mission: In this chaos, find one hour for me. That means no phone calls, no computer, no work. I've never been a bubble bath and trashy magazine girl, but maybe I'll start. Or, maybe I'll use the one hour to read or watch TV. Or, maybe I'll devote an hour to a book chapter - either mine or someone else - each night.

OK. Starting today. One hour. Ready, set, go.

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