Sunday, March 9, 2008

Living in a Pasteurized World

I had dinner last night with a co-worker at a new organic raw food restaurant in Boston. The idea of a raw food diet is appealing, especially when you're trying to lose weight and "get healthy" but cheese made out of almonds is a bit peculiar. I digress...

As we were talking about her upcoming travels to Paris and Spain, we reminisced about our favorite restaurants in Europe. There is simply nothing like dining on a baguette and a cheese in Paris or a whole salted sea bass in Marbella. There's nothing fake about the food. It doesn't need to be organic or raw - it's healthy for being unpasteurized. We sipped some more of our macrobiotic wine and nursed our organic buzz a little longer before asking for the check.

Total amount for raw food made into molds and masquerading as real food: $200.00
Total amount for simply pure and un-hormonized food: priceless.
Moral of the story: Yes, the dollar sucks and it's expensive to travel overseas, but at least you know when you're there the food is fresh and cheese is made from milk (goat, cow or sheep is country depending).

We left the overly-expensive new restaurant and went up the street for a martini, and an appetizer.

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