Sunday, March 16, 2008

Entertaining is Exhausting

Something happens when you turn 30. Your body does an analysis of the past decade and decides how much it's willing to let you slide this decade. If you played your 20s hard, your body might force a little nesting. If you had your nose in the books for most of the past decade, your body might to decide to kick-it into high gear and push the limits a little. For me, I overextended my welcome during my 20s. Once I hit 30, my body said, "Hell no." And years later, my body still doesn't want to cooperate.

Now that I'm done with the books, have my degrees and enjoying a successful career, I figure I'm afforded a little down time. Hell no. When you're the only one who lives in the city (single) and isn't obligated to be home to tuck the kids you don't have in bed, you are by default the "entertainer." And while entertaining is fun, it's also exhausting. This entertaining is with people who actually have a hand in your career. So after a long day at the office, now you have to be "on." I have to actually be polite and pleasant after work-hours!! Thank god for red wine.

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