Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Thoughts on My Vote

Last night was the final debate before America chooses its next president. As with the other debates, I've listened, intently, to what each candidate has to say. I'm pretty confident in my vote, but I will be the first to admit there are things I don't know and it's nice to hear what the future leader of our country has to say about those things.

Yes, I know it's politics. I covered politics - I know how to play this game. I side with the majority of America when I say this election is different. We need hope - strength - survival. But at some point I have to draw the line. Last night, I drew my line. People are so busy reporting whether or not McCain's delivery was "solid" that they didn't actually stop to listen to what he had to say.

McCain called Obama a guy who "pals around with terrorists." Obama called McCain, "ignorant to the needs of average Americans." But when asked about health care and Roe v. Wade, specifically, McCain firmly said, "I do not agree with Roe v. Wade." And at that moment, I bolded my line.

I would choose not to vote, or vote for a guy who once sat at the same table as another guy who was once involved in some form of violent platform before I turned over my reproductive rights over to the government.

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