Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wedding in Sicily... To Go, or Not to Go?

Just got word that friend Tracey is getting married to her beau in Sicily this November. Tracey has lived in Sicily for six years now. Her love story is one for the books...

Tracey and her mother went to Italy to research the family tree. One day, in search of the grandparents birth place, Tracey fell in love... with the guide who was helping them find the birthplace in a remote part of Tuscany. Six years later, they are to be wed and I'm invited to the wedding.

It's a small ceremony. Friends and siblings. And while I'm not a fan of weddings (this comes as no surprise to the brides who have actually asked me to be in their weddings), I am in love with Italy. The thought of spending six days in Sicily in November seems almost euphoric. I'll get a little villa near the wedding site and just... be...

Flights aren't that expensive ($600 round-trip) but it is an expense. Thoughts? Votes?


Legally Brunette said...

go go go!

Dan said...

Life is short. Get on that plane.

Anonymous said...

Sounds so beautiful! You should go