Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gustav, Gustav, Go Away! says, "We know it's going to head into the Gulf. After that, we're not sure where it's heading," said Rebecca Waddington, a meteorologist at the Miami-based National Hurricane Center. "For that reason, everyone in Gulf needs to be monitoring the storm. At that point, we're expecting it to be a Category 3 hurricane."

We're still three days away, and according the map (see below) Gustav isn't scheduled to touch the US until Saturday. The fear then becomes getting home... if Gustav is tearing through the Gulf Coast from Saturday on, flying home might be a problem. I realize this blog is focused on travel adventures, but even I have my limits.

It's too early to call it, but it doesn't look good. Stay tuned...

Meanwhile, over at "On Common Ground," MFTM gives you job seekers some sound advice when it comes to applying for jobs. We realize it's a tough job market and we're sympathetic to that but, if you're going to apply for jobs, please pay attention.

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